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Providing Everything You Need to Succeed in Dance

Our offerings differ, between locations.


Petaluma location: Physical Therapy & Recovery Sessions only

Santa Rosa location: All Services


Physical Therapy

At your initial evaluation (first visit), we go over your health history, movement patterns, pain points, and perform special tests to diagnose your injury or complaint. Then, we come up with a plan to get you to your goal. During subsequent visits (if any), we put our plans into action through hands-on therapy, exercises and stretches as needed. PT duos can be booked with a friend or family member. While one client performs therapeutic exercises and stretches, the other receives hands-on therapeutic techniques (like joint mobilization, massage, cupping, theragun, etc). Then, the duo switches. For more details, see our FAQs on the home page.

PT Privates:

$197 single session

$1250 for a 10-Session Package

$2400 for a 20-Session Package


PT Duos (for 2 people):

$230 single session

$1750 for a 10-Session Package

$3000 for a 20-Session Package


To purchase a package, first book a single session, and let your instructor know at the time of your class/visit that you would like a package deal. We can apply the package deal to that class instead of charing for a single session. Package deals can only be purchased in-person.

Ballet Coaching

Want to improve your dance technique and performance? Let's assess your strength, balance, power, flexibility, dance technique, and more. From there, we can optimize the way you move and train to get you to the next level in dance. Together, we will create and execute custom exercise programs to meet your strength goals for dance and for life. We will blend your training with ballet technique training to get you dancing better than ever. For more info, see the FAQs on the home page.

Coaching Privates:

$197 single session

$1250 for a 10-Session Package

$2400 for a 20-Session Package


Coaching Duos (for 2 people):

$230 single session

$1750 for a 10-Session Package

$3000 for a 20-Session Package


To purchase a package, first book a single session, and let your instructor know at the time of your class/visit that you would like a package deal. We can apply the package deal to that class instead of charing for a single session. Package deals can only be purchased in-person.


Recovery Sessions

After long training days or performances, come enjoy an hour of hands-on soft tissue work to reset your muscles, use the state-of-the-art compression boots, and theragun massage as needed. Having good recovery time, helps you reduce soreness the next 3 days after a hard workout, enabling you to continue dancing optimally. During a duo session, one person receives hands-on interventions like massage, while the other enjoys our state-of-the art Normatec compression boots.

Recovery Session Privates:

$197 single session

$1250 for a 10-Session Package

$2400 for a 20-Session Package​


Recovery Session Duos (for 2 people):

$230 single session

$1750 for a 10-Session Package

$3000 for a 20-Session Package


To purchase a package, first book a single session, and let your instructor know at the time of your class/visit that you would like a package deal. We can apply the package deal to that class instead of charing for a single session. Package deals can only be purchased in-person.

Mat Pilates

Pilates is a core-based workout style (most similar to Yoga), that has it's own unique exercises. Pilates can be performed on a yoga mat or on a special machine called a "reformer". We offer classes on the yoga mat, hence it's name, Mat Pilates. These classes target core-strength, flexibility, coordination, and technique. Pilates is considered the #1 exercise method for dancers, second to weight lifting, due to its similarities in techniques and principles. Choose from Pilates group classes (open to all ages 8+, dancers and non-dancers alike), Pilates Privates, or Pilates Duos!

Pilates Privates:

$150 single session

$1300 for a 10-Session Package

$1000 for a 20-Session Package​


Pilates Duos (for 2 people):

$180 single session

$1600 for a 10-Session Package

$2600 for a 20-Session Package​


Pilates Classes:

$20 Single Session

$160 for 10 Classes


To purchase a package, first book a single session, and let your instructor know at the time of your class/visit that you would like a package deal. We can apply the package deal to that class instead of charing for a single session. Package deals can only be purchased in-person.

Pilates Workout
Yoga Pose
Yoga Pose

Kids Workout/
Pilates Classes

The latest scientific research has proven time and time again, that exercise for pre-adolescents is not only safe, but extremely effective in improving bone density for life, and improving post-adolescent coordination, strength, power, and performance ability. Here at Dance Evolution, we believe in making the best-case-scenario happen for your kids, by starting them off strong from a young age. This class includes principals from Pilates, strengthening and other fun agility/ balance/ coordination exercises, presented in a fun and engaging manner.

Kid's Workout/ Pilates Classes:

$20 Single Session

$160 for 10 Classes


(interchangable with Pilates class package purchases)


To purchase a package, first book a single session, and let your instructor know at the time of your class/visit that you would like a package deal. We can apply the package deal to that class instead of charing for a single session. Package deals can only be purchased in-person.

Packages for PT, Coaching and Recovery are interchangeable. Just let us know at the time of your session what you would like the focus of the session to be.
Pilates class packages can be used for Kid's Workout/ Exercise classes as well.

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